We discovered that our Isabella's Folly Coffee is the perfect ingredient to create a line of skincare products that you can MYO (Make your own). I gifted a lot of product over the year and when I saw the results of my friends and family who were using the product, I couldn't believe how well it was working! Reduced bags under the eyes, glowing skin, reduced rosacea and acne, and occupying pre-teens for hours making their own vlogs as they used the products. It was a wonderful experience and I hope you can enjoy the process as much as we did.
Lip Scrub .25 oz.
Coconut oil, castor oil, ground coffee, sugar, shea butter, honey
Removes excess skin, smooths
½ cup ground coffee
1 cup sugar
Stir thoroughly then add
¼ cup coconut oil
¼ cup castor oil
½ cup shea butter
2 tbs honey
Makes 36 .25 oz jars (9 oz total)
Face Scrub 2 oz.
Coconut oil, ground coffee, sugar, castor oil
Tightens skin, removes redness, hydrates
1 cup ground coffee
1 cup sugar
Mix then add
½ cup coconut oil
¼ cup. Castor oil
Makes 7 2 oz jars
Eye Serum .25 oz.
Coconut oil, ground coffee, shea butter
Reduces puffiness, hydrates
4 heaping tbs shea butter
2 tbs coconut oil
1 tbs ground coffee
Makes 11
Massage Oil
Almond oil, whole coffee beans
.5 cups coffee whole beans
16 fl oz almond oil
Makes almost 4 4 oz containers
On low heat 30 minutes in large sauce pan, stir occasionally. Makes 4 jars of 4 oz.